
The SWIR model was introduced in 2017 by Lee et al. In this model, during the epidemics, a node is allowed to change its status from Susceptible (S) to Weakened (W) or Infected (I), then to Removed (R). The model is instantiated on a graph having a non-empty set of infected nodes. At time t a node in the state I is selected randomly and the states of all neighbors are checked one by one. If the state of a neighbor is S then this state changes either i) to I with probability kappa or ii) to W with probability mu. If the state of a neighbor is W then the state W changes to I with probability nu. We repeat the above process for all nodes in state I and then changes to R for each associated node.



Initial contribute: 2019-05-09

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发布模型 发布集成模型


Zhiyi Zhu (2019). Epidemics-SWIR , Computable Model, OpenGMS, https://geomodeling.njnu.edu.cn/computableModel/1c933419-b6d4-493e-9bc8-2c3a6298b1d7


Initial contribute : 2019-05-09

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