ta morphometry 10-Mass Balance Index




Initial contribute: 2019-05-09


{{htmlJSON.Style}} ta_morphometry
{{htmlJSON.Categories}} SAGA / Terrain Analysis > Morphometry
{{htmlJSON.Language}} EN_US
{{htmlJSON.Name}} Mass Balance Index
{{htmlJSON.Keywords}} Mass Balance Index
{{htmlJSON.Abstract}} References:Friedrich, K. (1996): Digitale Reliefgliederungsverfahren zur Ableitung bodenkundlich relevanter Flaecheneinheiten. Frankfurter Geowissenschaftliche Arbeiten D 21, Frankfurt/M., <a href="http://user.uni-frankfurt.de/~relief/fga21/">online</a>.Friedrich, K. (1998): Multivariate distance methods for geomorphographic relief classification. in Heinecke, H., Eckelmann, W., Thomasson, A., Jones, J., Montanarella, L., Buckley, B. (eds.): Land Inforamtion Systems - Developments for planning the sustainable use of land resources. European Soil Bureau - Research Report 4, EUR 17729 EN, Office for oficial publications of the European Communities, Ispra, pp. 259-266, <a href="http://eusoils.jrc.it/ESDB_Archive/eusoils_docs/esb_rr/n04_land_information_systems/contents.html">online</a>.Moeller, M., Volk, M., Friedrich, K., Lymburner, L. (2008): Placing soil-genesis and transport processes into a landscape context: A multiscale terrain-analysis approach. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, 171, pp. 419-430, DOI: 10.1002/jpln.200625039
{{htmlJSON.Type}} {{htmlJSON.Property}} {{htmlJSON.Value}}
{{htmlJSON.Assemblies}} GDALRasterMapping.exe $(DataMappingPath)\GDALRasterMapping\
OGRVectorMapping.exe $(DataMappingPath)\OGRVectorMapping\

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Jie Song (2019). ta morphometry 10-Mass Balance Index, Computable Model, OpenGMS, https://geomodeling.njnu.edu.cn/computableModel/86a9a3b8-4f66-4b9c-a0c0-03964c33e552


Initial contribute : 2019-05-09

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