ta slope stability 0-SAFETYFACTOR




Initial contribute: 2019-05-09


{{htmlJSON.Style}} ta_slope_stability
{{htmlJSON.Categories}} SAGA / Terrain Analysis > Slope Stability
{{htmlJSON.Language}} EN_US
{{htmlJSON.Keywords}} SAFETYFACTOR
{{htmlJSON.Abstract}} This tool computes a slope stability (expressed as a factor-of-safety) raster according to the traditional infinite slope model theory (see cf Selby, 1993) The resulting raster represents the ratio of resisting forces/driving forces (fs) on a potential shear plane with fs lesser 1 unstable, fs greater 1 stable. Except for a slope raster (in radians), all input variables can be specified either globally or distributed (through grids). The tool creates a continuous fs raster (values above 10 are truncated), and a binary stability grid with nodata = stable, 1 = unstable (optional).
{{htmlJSON.Type}} {{htmlJSON.Property}} {{htmlJSON.Value}}
{{htmlJSON.Assemblies}} GDALRasterMapping.exe $(DataMappingPath)\GDALRasterMapping\
OGRVectorMapping.exe $(DataMappingPath)\OGRVectorMapping\

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Jie Song (2019). ta slope stability 0-SAFETYFACTOR, Computable Model, OpenGMS, https://geomodeling.njnu.edu.cn/computableModel/921b6be4-9805-4971-a519-4519c5539ef9


Initial contribute : 2019-05-09

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{{container.hardware.system}} {{container.hardware.version}}

{{container.hardware.cpu_Core}} Core - {{container.hardware.totalMemory}} RAM - {{container.hardware.diskAll}} Hard Disk

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