ta morphometry 15-Wind Effect Windward / Leeward Index




Initial contribute: 2019-05-14


{{htmlJSON.Style}} ta_morphometry
{{htmlJSON.Categories}} SAGA / Terrain Analysis > Morphometry
{{htmlJSON.Language}} EN_US
{{htmlJSON.Name}} Wind Effect (Windward / Leeward Index)
{{htmlJSON.Keywords}} Wind Effect (Windward / Leeward Index)
{{htmlJSON.Abstract}} The 'Wind Effect' is a dimensionless index. Values below 1 indicate wind shadowed areas whereas values above 1 indicate areas exposed to wind, all with regard to the specified wind direction. Wind direction, i.e. the direction into which the wind blows, might be either constant or variying in space, if a wind direction grid is supplied.
{{htmlJSON.Type}} {{htmlJSON.Property}} {{htmlJSON.Value}}
{{htmlJSON.Assemblies}} GDALRasterMapping.exe $(DataMappingPath)\GDALRasterMapping\
OGRVectorMapping.exe $(DataMappingPath)\OGRVectorMapping\

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Jie Song (2019). ta morphometry 15-Wind Effect Windward / Leeward Index, Computable Model, OpenGMS, https://geomodeling.njnu.edu.cn/computableModel/b7aa4c59-2ed2-4f96-8e57-7a7285d5ddb8


Initial contribute : 2019-05-14

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{{container.hardware.system}} {{container.hardware.version}}

{{container.hardware.cpu_Core}} Core - {{container.hardware.totalMemory}} RAM - {{container.hardware.diskAll}} Hard Disk

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