ta morphometry 28-Multi-Scale Topographic Position Index TPI




Initial contribute: 2019-05-09


{{htmlJSON.Style}} ta_morphometry
{{htmlJSON.Categories}} SAGA / Terrain Analysis > Morphometry
{{htmlJSON.Language}} EN_US
{{htmlJSON.Name}} Multi-Scale Topographic Position Index (TPI)
{{htmlJSON.Keywords}} Multi-Scale Topographic Position Index (TPI)
{{htmlJSON.Abstract}} Topographic Position Index (TPI) calculation as proposed by Guisan et al. (1999).This implementation calculates the TPI for different scales and integrates these into one single grid. The hierarchical integration is achieved by starting with the standardized TPI values of the largest scale, then adding standardized values from smaller scales where the (absolute) values from the smaller scale exceed those from the larger scale. This integration scheme has been proposed by N. Zimmermann.
{{htmlJSON.Type}} {{htmlJSON.Property}} {{htmlJSON.Value}}
{{htmlJSON.Assemblies}} GDALRasterMapping.exe $(DataMappingPath)\GDALRasterMapping\
OGRVectorMapping.exe $(DataMappingPath)\OGRVectorMapping\

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Jie Song (2019). ta morphometry 28-Multi-Scale Topographic Position Index TPI, Computable Model, OpenGMS, https://geomodeling.njnu.edu.cn/computableModel/f87ba425-cd0c-43a0-bd08-dabb50a4075b


Initial contribute : 2019-05-09

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{{container.hardware.system}} {{container.hardware.version}}

{{container.hardware.cpu_Core}} Core - {{container.hardware.totalMemory}} RAM - {{container.hardware.diskAll}} Hard Disk

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