CLM4.0 and CLM4.5 offline control simulations(Model forcing data)

CLM4.0 and CLM4.5 offline control simulations(Model output data)

CLMcontrol simulations


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Solid-earth regionsGeostatistical analysis

Detailed Description

Two sets of forcing data are provided in a format compatible for CLM

  • CRUNCEP, 1901-2010, 0.5° [Data access] (Note that CRUNCEP missing values have been filled with 1948 Qian data so that CLM can be run globally and at any resolution)
  • Qian et al. (2006), 1948-2004, ~1.8° resolution [Data access]
  • Note that both sets of forcing data are already available on the following machines: yellowstone and jaguar.
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Zhenghui Xie (2020). CLM4.0 and CLM4.5 offline control simulations(Model forcing data), Data Item, OpenGMS,




Solid-earth regionsGeostatistical analysis


Initial contribute : 2020-05-25


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