SAGA - Fill Sinks Wang & Liu

Tools for the preprocessing of digital terrain models.



Initial contribute: 2018-11-06


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Method-focused categoriesData-perspectiveGeoinformation analysis

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This tool uses an algorithm proposed by Wang & Liu to identify and fill surface depressions in digital elevation models.The method was enhanced to allow the creation of hydrologic sound elevation models, i.e. not only to fill the depression(s) but also to preserve a downward slope along the flow path. If desired, this is accomplished by preserving a minimum slope gradient (and thus elevation difference) between cells.This is the fully featured version of the tool creating a depression less DEM, a flow path grid and a grid with watershed basins. If you encounter problems processing large data sets (e.g. LIDAR data) with this tool try the basic version (Fill Sinks XXL).References:Wang, L. & H. Liu (2006): An efficient method for identifying and filling surface depressions in digital elevation models for hydrologic analysis and modelling. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, Vol. 20, No. 2: 193-213.



SAGA (2018). SAGA - Fill Sinks Wang & Liu, Model Item, OpenGMS,


Initial contribute : 2018-11-06



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