Severe COVID-19 Risk Mapping

This online mapping tool shows projected US county-level demand of severe COVID-19 cases and supply estimates of hospital critical care beds, under various scenarios of hospital response to patient surges.



Initial contribute: 2020-05-01


Mailman School of Public Health
[email protected]. edu
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Method-focused categoriesProcess-perspectiveHuman-activity calculation

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This online mapping tool shows projected US county-level demand of severe COVID-19 cases and supply estimates of hospital critical care beds, under various scenarios of hospital response to patient surges. The maps show the expected time to patient demand exceeding hospital capacity for a 42-day horizon from April 26, 2020. Data related to patients at high risk for severe COVID-19 are also shown, including: the number of people age 65+ and people with underlying health conditions that make them vulnerable to severe COVID-19. The methods for these maps are detailed in this scientific paper.



Andrew Rundle (2020). Severe COVID-19 Risk Mapping, Model Item, OpenGMS,


Initial contribute : 2020-05-01



Mailman School of Public Health
[email protected]. edu
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